Chapter 3: Advanced

Lesson 15: Summary

We took a look at:

  • accepting arguments in transitions,
  • manipulating Map objects,
  • events and procedures,
  • contract deployment.
  • We created a SocialMediaPayment smart contract using our newfound Scilla knowledge. You can try deploying it using the Scilla IDE.

    You can visit the given links to find:

  • The full code
  • The javascript code for connecting the front-end and the blockchain
  • The Scilla IDE
  • Scilla documentation
  • We have reached the end of the Advanced level of LearnScilla. We hope to see you again in the future when we add more content to LearnScilla.

    If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via the channels in the footer.


    You have completed this chapter!